NSS SMVDU organizes various events in nearby Government schools from time to time. This time NSS volunteers distributed creative charts in Government High School, Sirah. NSS volunteers were assigned the responsibility of making creative charts for the school class rooms. The idea was to help school students to learn different topics effectively. The various topics covered in the creative charts were Months name, alphabets, parts of body, different seasons, Air pollution, Parts of flower, Trigonometry, personal hygiene practices etc. More than 40 charts were donated to the school. Headmistress Smt. Rachna and other school teachers appreciated the efforts of University students. Dr. Rajiv Kumar, NSS Programme Coordinator of University also accompanied volunteers for the event. University team also visited the play school wing in the school premises. Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Prof. Pragati Kumar appreciated the efforts of NSS SMVDU team.
Check out videos on NSS SMVDU Official YouTube Channel